Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Perspective is key.  It determines everything.  The way we think, the way we act, the way we respond, the way we react.  We sometimes interpret things the way we want to see them rather than the way they really are...  This makes it sound like its a bad thing... but what if we made this to be a positive thing... to see the good in everything around us.  To look beyond the things of this world and see the goodness in the chaos, the beauty in the broken, or the splendor in the disregarded.  To see through Christ's eyes we are able to look past what may be seen as inadequate or unworthy and find true value.  We are unworthy, but Christ saw beyond our brokenness and overwhelmed us with his love.  So in seeing through his eyes we are compelled to act out of love.  Out of the overflow of who we are our mouth speaks and our lives act.  So actions speak louder than words.  To change our perspective may require us to also change our actions... Think about it...  What do you see?

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