Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Years Resolution

So its January 15.  Half a month late isn't too late to start a New Years Resolution right... Well here it is.  And hopefully I will be able to do better than my commitment at the beginning of the month.  I figured it was time I joined the blogging community.  Considering I love to write and just get some thoughts out there, guess its a good idea.  

So as a little intro... Bethany Weisser.  I have lots of dreams, lots of aspirations, but I am taking one day at a time.  As I walk by faith I am learning more and more how to follow after the heart of God.  As Christ lives in me, I want to live in LOVE.  Without true love and his amazing grace I would not be who I am today.  It's been quite a journey.  But I want to continue to fly or at least try.  So here's a shot.... 

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