Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Be Still

So often we fill our lives with busyness and just keep going keep going and keep going.  We don't give ourselves a second to think, breathe, or relax.  We would rather keep on running than actually look at our life around us.  The faster we run the more we can get done, the faster we get through it...  But what do we miss in the meantime?  The Beauty of each day, of each moment... 
I have been realizing so much about myself this year.  My whole life has been one big scheduled BUSYNESS... It's time to be still.  Be still in the moment so I can experience Christ working around me and not just look back at it afterwords.  Be still in the moment so I can grasp opportunity, so I can seize the goodness of each possibility.  Be still  in the moment so I can experience true feelings and not just push my emotions to the side.  Be still in the moment so I can courageously become more of who I am, not just who people want me to be.  Be still in the moment so I can see every smile, every tear, every beautiful thing... I have to be still in the chaos to see where God is leading me.  I have to be still so I can hear his voice.  
Then I can truly follow Him for he is my God.
Psalm 46:10

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Years Resolution

So its January 15.  Half a month late isn't too late to start a New Years Resolution right... Well here it is.  And hopefully I will be able to do better than my commitment at the beginning of the month.  I figured it was time I joined the blogging community.  Considering I love to write and just get some thoughts out there, guess its a good idea.  

So as a little intro... Bethany Weisser.  I have lots of dreams, lots of aspirations, but I am taking one day at a time.  As I walk by faith I am learning more and more how to follow after the heart of God.  As Christ lives in me, I want to live in LOVE.  Without true love and his amazing grace I would not be who I am today.  It's been quite a journey.  But I want to continue to fly or at least try.  So here's a shot....