"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand" Jeremiah 18:6
This passage resonates so deep within my soul. To know that I am clay in the hands of the Omnipotent Creator affirms a sense of reasoning and purpose beyond that is far beyond my own grasp. The potter forms, molds, breaks, builds, and the clay into a beautiful work of art. And the clay is not just beautiful, it is designed for a specific purpose. And to be in the hands of the Lord is a refuge and comfort unlike any other. Our God is so big, we are so small, but we are important to Him. Just as each piece of clay is important in its essence to be formed and reformed until it can be as it is intended, we are important to God. In our brokenness, in our willingness, in our submission to be molded by the Potter, we are seeking to be formed not of our own will or way but the way of the Lord. How great a reassurance to be in the hands of God.
Reading the rest of the passage you are taken through the journey where Jeremiah hears God speaking to him. God is speaking to each one of us. We are his servant. He speaks to us as we are willing to serve him. Are we listening? God commands Jeremiah to go to the potter's house. Where is our potter's house? Where do you see the presence of the Lord? God offers refuge and restoration. Are we receiving his grace and peace? As we seek to experience and see God we see Him working, just as we see the "potter working at the wheel". He is working all around us. Sometimes God is working in ways in which we do not understand. The potter was forming broken clay. It was marred and ragged. But the Potter sees it as a beautiful piece to the overall masterpiece. He does not disregard any fragment, it is all important to him. He shapes the clay as best fit to him, just as he shapes us into his image as long as we are willing. The purpose God sees is greater than anything we can imagine. No matter how broken, the Potter sees purpose. God will speak. God will do. God will form. We just have to be his clay.
"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand" Jeremiah 18:6