I read this devotional today.It got my focus back to what gives me energy and what drives me. Even when I am busy, feeling like a chicken running around with my head cut off (as I am right now) and feel stretched in so many directions, I have to stay connected to my Father. If I don't make the intentional time to put God first I will lose sight of my goals, I will run out of battery. I want my light to keep shining, when it seems dim, it has to be recharged in the right place. I pray I have the strength to be that person God is calling me to be. But only with God's strength can I take those risks, challenge myself, and have that courage. God, go before me.
The batteries get weak and tired. Too much drain. Too many activities at once. Thankfully, they are rechargeable! All they need is a boost. A shot of new energy. So you plug them in. Soon they are ready to go again. Funny how we think our own lives work on the same principle. Drain – Plug in – Go again! In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Drain – DISCONNECT – Go. You see, when you disconnect, you allow for your sense of orientation to shift from doing, to being; from outside engagement, to inner reflection. And it gives God a chance to be heard over the din of your life. Disconnecting lowers the sound of your life so you can suddenly hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. That above all else will give you the reorienting boost you need to go again. Hopefully the last couple of weeks has been a good chance to disconnect. Let that be a time to renew and reorient your life around the new energy that comes from God’s presence.